Get ready to ignite your passion for the game as we dive into the exciting world of a golf horse race. This dynamic and invigorating format, also known as a shootout, Kentucky Derby, or Rumpsie Dumpsie, masterfully combines the thrill of horse racing with the strategic finesse of golf, creating an unforgettable experience.

Picture this: 19 golfers start together on the first hole, and with each hole, one player is eliminated until only two golfers stand at the brink of victory on the 18th hole. Get ready to unleash the power within you as we delve into this fascinating format that promises to inspire and captivate golfers of all levels.

Experience the Thrill: Golf Horse Race, Derby, and Tournament Formats

What is Golf on a Horse Called?

Let's clear up any misconceptions: "Golf on a horse" might evoke images of players riding horses while swinging their clubs, but rest assured, no actual horses are involved in the golf horse race. Instead, this unique format draws inspiration from the excitement and competitive spirit of horse racing, applying it to golf.

With its elimination-based structure, the golf horse race borrows the thrilling essence of a horse race, creating an engaging and exhilarating experience for the players and spectators alike.

What is Golf on a Horse Called

Steeplechase Golf Format and Its Relation to Derby/Horse Race

The steeplechase golf format is an unconventional variation of a traditional golf game that introduces an element of adventure and challenge by incorporating obstacles on the course.

Players must navigate these obstacles, such as water hazards, sand traps, and other strategically placed barriers while aiming to complete the course with the lowest possible score. This format tests golfers' skills and adaptability, pushing them to think creatively and strategically.

In contrast, the Derby/Horse Race format focuses on the competitive aspect of golf through an elimination-based structure. Players tee off together, and the golfer with the highest score is eliminated with each hole. This process continues until only two players remain, battling it out for victory on the 18th hole.

While both the steeplechase and Derby/Horse Race formats deviate from traditional golf games, their differences lie in the specific challenges they present. The steeplechase format emphasizes overcoming physical obstacles on the course, while the Derby/Horse Race format highlights the mental and competitive aspects of the game through its elimination process.

Despite these differences, both formats aim to offer golfers a unique and engaging experience, breaking away from the routine of a standard round of golf. These innovative formats challenge players' abilities and provide an opportunity for camaraderie and spirited competition among participants.

Steeplechase Golf Format and Its Relation to Derby/Horse Race

Horse Race in Golf: The Rules and Structure

The golf horse race is an enthralling format with a unique set of rules that centers around an elimination process, creating a lively and competitive atmosphere on the course.

Here's a breakdown of the rules and structure of this captivating format:

  1. Elimination Process: Starting with 19 golfers teeing off on the first hole, the player with the highest score on each hole is eliminated. This continues until only two golfers remain, facing off on the 18th hole to determine the winner.
  2. Tie-Breaking Methods: In the event of a tie for the highest score, the tied players will engage in a chip-off. They'll each toss a ball off the green and chip toward the hole. The player whose ball is farthest from the hole will be eliminated.
  3. Handicaps: The use of handicaps in a golf horse race is optional. If desired, players can apply their handicaps to create a level playing field, allowing golfers of varying skill levels to compete fairly against one another.

Due to its unique format and the potential for slower play, the golf horse race is typically played in pre-arranged tournaments or private clubs where the course can be reserved for the event. This ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.

For those seeking a shorter, faster-paced version of the game, a nine-hole golf horse race is a fantastic alternative. In this variation, the game begins with ten golfers and proceeds over nine holes instead of the full 18. This format allows players to experience the excitement and challenge of the horse race format in a more time-efficient manner.

Horse Race in Golf: The Rules and Structure

Golf Course Requirements and Best Practices for Hosting a Horse Race Tournament

Building on the excitement and challenge of the golf horse race format, it's essential to ensure that the golf course and the tournament's overall organization meet this captivating event's unique requirements. Let's explore the ideal golf course settings and best practices for hosting a successful horse race tournament.

The ideal golf course for hosting a horse race tournament should consider the following factors:

  1. Course Size: A course with ample space is crucial for accommodating the larger groups of players that begin each round in a horse race. Wider fairways and greens can prevent congestion and facilitate smoother play.
  2. Accessibility: The course should be easily accessible for participants and spectators alike, ensuring a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Adequate parking, restroom facilities, and comfortable rest areas are essential.
  3. Course Reservation: To provide the best experience for players and maintain an efficient pace of play, it's crucial to reserve the golf course exclusively for the horse race event. This prevents other golfers from interrupting the tournament and allows for better management of the unique format.

To organize and run a successful horse race golf tournament, consider these tips:

  1. Player Registration: Set up a streamlined registration process for participants, either online or in person. This helps keep track of the number of players and ensures that handicaps if used, are accurately recorded.
  2. Tee Time Management: Develop a detailed schedule for tee times, ensuring players know when to be at the course and ready to play. This helps maintain a smooth flow throughout the tournament.
  3. On-Course Facilitation: Assign tournament officials or volunteers to help manage play on the course, resolve any disputes or rule questions, and maintain a steady pace of play. This contributes to a well-organized and enjoyable event for everyone involved.

By carefully selecting suitable golf courses and applying these best practices, you can create a memorable and thrilling horse race golf tournament format that participants and spectators will treasure.

Golf Course Requirements and Best Practices for Hosting a Horse Race Tournament

Match Play in the Horse Race Format

While both the horse race format and traditional match play share the common element of direct competition between players, key differences set the horse race format apart and contribute to its unique appeal.

In traditional match play, golfers compete head-to-head, with each hole won or lost based on the lowest number of strokes taken. The overall winner is the player who wins the most holes throughout the round. This format emphasizes individual matchups and strategy, with players often making decisions based on their opponent's performance.

The horse race format, on the other hand, takes the concept of player elimination to an extreme level. With 19 players teeing off on the first hole and one golfer eliminated per hole, the pressure and intensity increase as the field narrows down.

The focus is on beating a single opponent and outperforming the remaining players on each hole. The competitive atmosphere is amplified, and every shot becomes crucial for survival in the tournament.

The horse race format adds excitement and challenge to a golf tournament in several ways:

  1. Intense Competition: The elimination process generates a high-stakes atmosphere, motivating players to perform their best on every same hole to avoid being eliminated.
  2. Unpredictability: The ever-changing dynamics of the field, with players being eliminated each hole, create a sense of unpredictability that keeps players and spectators engaged throughout the tournament.
  3. Camaraderie: As the field narrows down, players form bonds with their fellow competitors, fostering a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship unique to the horse race format.

The horse race format offers a distinctive and exhilarating alternative to traditional match play, providing golfers with an intense and unforgettable experience on the course.

Match Play in the Horse Race Format


The golf horse race format, a shootout, Derby, or Rumpsie Dumpsie, presents an exceptional and engaging experience for golfers and spectators alike. With its elimination-based structure and intense competition, the format offers a refreshing and exciting departure from traditional golf games. The horse race format challenges golfers' abilities and mental fortitude, providing an exhilarating atmosphere that fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship.

From the ideal golf course settings and best practices for hosting a successful horse race tournament to the comparison with traditional match play, we've delved into the various aspects that make this format unique and thrilling. The horse race format adds a new dimension of excitement and challenge to the game, capturing the imagination of golf enthusiasts and casual players alike.

If you're seeking a fresh and invigorating golf experience, consider participating in or organizing horse race golf tournaments. It's an opportunity to explore a different side of the game, connect with fellow golfers, and create lasting memories on the course. Embrace the spirit of competition and embark on an unforgettable golf adventure with the horse race format!

Growing Popularity of Golf


What is a horse race game in golf?

A golf game called a "Horse Race" or "Derby" involves players or two-person teams exchanging shots. The highest-scoring player or team on each hole is eliminated after the players or teams tee off in a prearranged sequence. The game is interesting and fierce since it goes on until there is just one person or team left.

How do you play horse golf?

Golfers in HORSE alternately call and hit shots, such as "place your ball within 10 yards of the 150-yard marker." If a player executes the called shot correctly, their opponent tries to match it. A new shot is called and the procedure is restarted if the opponent reaches the shot.