Badminton, a highly engaging and dynamic sport, serves as an excellent physical activity keeping you fit while you enjoy the game. However, one of the common injuries associated with playing badminton, dubbed as badminton elbow pain or lateral epicondylitis in sports medicine, can hamper the joy of the sport.

Resulting from the repetitive strain on the elbow joint and forearm muscles during play, it's a common badminton injury. Yet, with the right exercises and preventive measures, you can effectively manage the pain and continue with the sport you love.

Badminton Elbow Pain Exercises

Understanding Badminton Elbow Pain

Also known as tennis elbow, badminton elbow pain is a type of elbow tendinopathy. It involves inflammation and pain in the elbow and forearm muscles, primarily resulting from repetitive movements such as swinging the racket and striking the shuttlecock. These actions strain the elbow joint and the surrounding muscles, causing discomfort and, in severe cases, significant pain.

Muscles that regulate the movement of the wrist and fingers surround the elbow joint, which is comprised of the upper arm bone and two bones from the forearm. When the repetitive strain of playing badminton stresses these muscles, it can lead to micro-tears in the tendons, causing inflammation and pain - the symptoms of lateral epicondylitis.

Moreover, in some instances, the pain can radiate further, leading to wrist pain, shoulder pain, or even a rotator cuff injury. This kind of pain may manifest as sudden pain during activity, followed by elbow stiffness and walking swelling. This type of discomfort should never be ignored because, if left untreated, it can lead to more severe conditions such as medial epicondylitis.

Understanding Badminton Elbow Pain

Exercises for Badminton Elbow Pain

Incorporating badminton elbow pain exercises into your routine can help strengthen the forearm muscles and other parts of the arm, reducing the risk of injury and alleviating any existing pain.

1. Wrist Extension Stretch

When it comes to addressing badminton elbow pain, the wrist extension stretch stands as a straightforward and effective exercise. By incorporating this stretch into your routine, you can target the forearm muscles, specifically the extensor muscles, which play a crucial role in regulating wrist and finger movements.

This exercise not only helps alleviate badminton-related elbow pain but also enhances the overall flexibility and strength of your forearm muscles.

Begin by positioning your arm straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground.

Turn your palm so that it faces downward, with your fingertips pointing to the ground. Using your other hand, gently grasp your fingertips and pull them in a controlled manner toward your body.

Ensure that you maintain a moderate level of tension without causing any discomfort or pain. You will sense a slight stretch in your forearm muscles as you pull your fingers toward your body.

Pay close attention to the sensations in your wrist and forearm to ensure that your range of motion remains comfortable. Hold the stretch for a duration of 15-30 seconds, allowing your muscles to gradually relax and elongate. Repeat the exercise for a total of 3-5 times, taking short breaks in between each repetition.

Incorporating the wrist extension stretch into your regular exercise routine can also increase your wrist joint's flexibility and range of motion. This is especially advantageous for badminton players, as it permits more fluid and controlled movements during gameplay, thereby reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall performance.

2. Wrist Flexion Stretch

In addition to the wrist extension stretch, the wrist flexion stretch is another valuable exercise for addressing badminton elbow pain. This stretch targets the flexor muscles in the forearm, which are responsible for flexing the wrist and fingers. By performing the wrist flexion stretch, you can effectively lengthen and strengthen these muscles, reducing the strain on the elbow joint and promoting pain relief.

Extend your arm straight out in front of you, ensuring it remains parallel to the ground.

Rotate your palm to face upward, with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling.

Utilize your other hand to apply gentle pressure to your fingers, pushing them toward the ground in a controlled manner. The muscles of your forearm will experience a gentle stretch as you perform the action.

Maintain a level of tension that is comfortable for you by paying attention to your sensations. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, allowing your muscles to relax and lengthen progressively. Repeat the exercise three to five times, taking brief pauses between each repetition.

Engaging in the wrist flexion stretch can bring about several benefits for managing badminton elbow pain. This stretch helps alleviate tension in the flexor muscles, reducing the strain on the elbow joint and promoting pain relief. Additionally, it enhances the flexibility and range of motion in the wrist, enabling smoother and more controlled movements during badminton gameplay.

By regularly incorporating the wrist flexion stretch into your exercise routine, you can effectively manage badminton elbow pain and improve your overall performance on the court.

3. Forearm Rotation

Incorporating the forearm rotation exercise into your routine can be highly advantageous in managing badminton elbow pain. This exercise not only improves wrist mobility but also helps alleviate elbow pain while strengthening the muscles in the forearm. By using a light dumbbell and focusing on controlled movements, you can effectively target the muscles involved in rotating the forearm.

Hold a light dumbbell in your hand, ensuring your palm faces downward. Begin by slowly rotating your wrist in a controlled manner, allowing your palm to face upward. This movement engages the muscles responsible for supination.

After reaching the supinated position, gradually rotate your wrist back down to the starting position, with your palm facing downward again. This motion targets the muscles involved in pronation. Repeat this rotation exercise for a total of 10-15 times on each arm, maintaining proper form and technique throughout.

Engaging in forearm rotation exercises offers various benefits for individuals experiencing badminton elbow pain. By improving wrist mobility, these exercises can enhance your overall range of motion and control during badminton gameplay. In addition, strengthening the forearm muscles can reduce the likelihood of pain and injury by reducing the burden on the elbow joint.

Regularly integrating forearm rotation exercises into your routine can contribute to enhanced badminton performance and resiliency.

4. Reverse Wrist Curls

Integrating reverse wrist curls into your exercise routine can be highly effective in addressing badminton elbow pain. This exercise specifically targets the muscles in your forearm and plays a crucial role in strengthening these muscles while mitigating elbow pain. By holding a lightweight in your hand and performing controlled wrist movements, you can engage the muscles responsible for the extension of the wrist and alleviate strain on the elbow joint.

Begin by holding a lightweight dumbbell in your hand, ensuring your palm faces downward. Gradually lift the weight towards your body by curling your wrist upwards, engaging the muscles in your forearm responsible for wrist extension.

Maintain control throughout the movement, avoiding any sudden or jerky motions. Lower the weight back down slowly and with control, returning to the starting position. Carry out 10-15 repetitions of the reverse wrist curls on each arm, focusing on maintaining proper form and technique.

It is important to start with a lightweight dumbbell and gradually increase the weight as your strength and comfort levels improve. Maintaining proper form and control throughout the exercise is crucial for maximizing its benefits and minimizing the risk of injury.

If you experience excessive pain or discomfort during the exercise, it is recommended to discontinue and consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified sports medicine specialist for personalized guidance based on your specific condition.

5. Eccentric Wrist Extensions

The eccentric wrist extension exercise is an advanced and highly effective exercise for addressing badminton elbow pain. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can specifically target and strengthen the extensor muscles in your forearm. This exercise involves a controlled movement of gradually lifting the weight towards your body by curling your wrist upwards, followed by a slow and controlled lowering of the weight back to the starting position.

Begin by holding a lightweight dumbbell in your hand, ensuring your palm faces downward. With your arm extended and your wrist in a neutral position, gradually lift the weight towards your body by curling your wrist upwards, engaging the extensor muscles in your forearm.

Focus on maintaining control throughout the movement, ensuring a slow and controlled ascent. Once you reach the highest point of the movement, slowly lower the weight back to the starting position in a controlled manner. Perform 10-15 repetitions of eccentric wrist extensions on each arm, emphasizing proper form and technique.

If you experience excessive pain or discomfort during the exercise, it is advisable to discontinue and consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified sports medicine specialist for personalized guidance tailored to your specific condition. They can provide further evaluation and recommendations to ensure that the exercise is appropriate for your individual needs.

Exercises for Badminton Elbow Pain

Why Does Badminton Lead to Elbow Pain?

Playing badminton involves a lot of quick and repetitive movements, requiring constant and often abrupt changes in direction. These sudden movements place a lot of stress on your joints, particularly your elbow joint, knee joint, shoulder joint, and even your Achilles tendon.

In badminton, the most common injuries are not limited to the elbow. They include ankle sprains, rotator cuff injuries, shoulder rotator problems, and patellar tendonitis, which affects the lower leg and the patellar tendon. All these injuries, including the common badminton elbow pain, are often the result of repetitive strain injuries.

Important Exercise Tips

Always begin with light weights and progressively increase the weight as your pain decreases. If the pain intensifies during these exercises, stop immediately and seek professional medical advice. Never disregard professional medical advice due to these exercises, as they are meant to supplement your treatment and not replace it.

Other Preventive Measures

Aside from these exercises, other ways to prevent badminton elbow pain include a proper warm-up before playing, using the right technique when hitting the shuttlecock, and taking breaks at regular intervals to avoid overworking your arm muscles and joints. An elbow brace can also help provide support and alleviate pain.


Badminton elbow pain can indeed pose a frustrating hurdle to players. But with the right mix of exercises, preventive measures, and professional medical advice, the condition can be managed effectively. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine and taking necessary precautions while playing, you can enjoy the sport you love without the accompanying pain. Always remember, managing sports injuries like these is not merely about reducing pain but improving your overall health and performance in the sport you love.

Prevent injury and enhance your performance with our top-rated Elbow Supports for Badminton.

Frequently Ask Questions

How do I stop my elbow from hurting when I play badminton?

To prevent or reduce elbow pain while playing badminton, it is important to take proactive measures. Here are some tips to consider: Warm up properly before playing: Engage in dynamic stretches and movements that target the muscles and joints involved in badminton, including the shoulders, wrists, and forearms. Use proper technique: Ensure that you are using the correct form and technique when executing strokes, particularly backhand strokes, to avoid excessive strain on the elbow joint.

Strengthen your core and shoulder muscles: A strong core and shoulder muscles can help distribute the forces exerted during gameplay, reducing strain on the elbow.

Gradually increase intensity and duration: Avoid overexertion by gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your badminton sessions, allowing your body to adapt to the demands of the sport. Take breaks and listen to your body: If you feel pain or discomfort, take breaks during play and give your body time to rest and recover.

Why does my elbow hurt when I play badminton?

Elbow pain in badminton is often attributed to overuse injuries such as the tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) or the golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis). These conditions result from repetitive stress on the tendons and muscles in the forearm, leading to inflammation, pain, and tenderness. The repetitive motions involved in badminton, such as hitting the shuttlecock and performing backhand strokes, can contribute to the development of these injuries. It's important to note that improper technique, lack of conditioning, and excessive strain on the elbow joint can exacerbate the risk of experiencing elbow pain while playing badminton.

How do you treat tennis elbow in badminton?

Treating tennis elbow in badminton typically involves a combination of rest, physical therapy, and self-care measures. Here are some commonly used treatment approaches:

Rest and modified activity: Give your elbow adequate rest and avoid activities that worsen the pain. Modify your badminton activities, reducing intensity or frequency until the pain subsides. Pain management: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can help reduce pain and inflammation. Topical treatments, such as ice packs or heat therapy, may also provide relief.

Physical therapy: A physical therapist can guide you through specific exercises to strengthen the forearm, wrist, and shoulder muscles, as well as provide techniques for improving flexibility and biomechanics. Brace or support: An elbow brace or support can help reduce strain on the tendons and provide stability during play, alleviating pain and aiding in the healing process. Corticosteroid injections: In severe cases, a healthcare professional may administer corticosteroid injections to alleviate inflammation and pain. However, these injections are typically used as a last resort when other treatments have failed.

Is elbow support good for badminton?

Elbow support, such as an elbow brace or strap, can be beneficial for managing and preventing elbow pain in badminton. These supports provide compression, stability, and support to the elbow joint and surrounding muscles and tendons. Elbow supports can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and prevent further damage during play. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or sports medicine specialist to determine the appropriate type and fit of elbow support for your specific condition.

How do you heal elbow pain?

Healing elbow pain requires a comprehensive approach that combines rest, proper treatment, and self-care measures. Here are some strategies for healing elbow pain:

Rest: Avoid activities that worsen the pain and allow your elbow time to rest and recover. 

Ice therapy: Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day to reduce pain and inflammation. Compression: Using an elastic bandage or compression sleeve can help reduce swelling and provide support to the injured area. Elevation: Elevating your arm can help reduce swelling and improve circulation to the affected area. Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises: Engage in specific exercises recommended by a physical therapist to improve flexibility and strengthen the forearm and supporting muscles. Gradual return to activity: Once the pain subsides and your elbow begins to heal, gradually reintroduce activities, ensuring proper form and technique to avoid re-injury.

If elbow pain persists or worsens despite self-care measures, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified sports medicine specialist for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. They can assess your condition, provide further guidance, and recommend the best course of treatment for your specific needs.